Girls, can you remember those lovely Daisy dolls? Daisy was smaller than Barbie and more girlish and childish. Her ladylike small shoes and sunglasses and sophisticated wardrobe. How we were playing with these dolls but Daisy could also be wild and and did some strip tease for the boy dolls and could even be pregnant for some days. I had many of these dolls but then one day I got a Barbie. In the eyes of a small girl Barbie was like a queen, a real woman. From that day on Daisy´s part in the game was to serve Barbie queen. Sad, but still I miss these cute dolls, lying somewhere in a big box in mum´s cupboard.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Girls, can you remember those lovely Daisy dolls? Daisy was smaller than Barbie and more girlish and childish. Her ladylike small shoes and sunglasses and sophisticated wardrobe. How we were playing with these dolls but Daisy could also be wild and and did some strip tease for the boy dolls and could even be pregnant for some days. I had many of these dolls but then one day I got a Barbie. In the eyes of a small girl Barbie was like a queen, a real woman. From that day on Daisy´s part in the game was to serve Barbie queen. Sad, but still I miss these cute dolls, lying somewhere in a big box in mum´s cupboard.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Raspberry Pie
Don´t think that it´s warmer here in Austria than anywhere else! These pictures are cheating although the grass is snow free and slowly getting green. As a big raspberry fan I baked a "Rasberry Pie under an Almond Blanket" a la Pernilla Wahlgren. Pernilla seems to love sugar, I used less sugar, but if you are a sweet sugar mouse you bake the pie exactly as written underneath. It´s a nice combination, warm raspberries under an egg white marzipan blanket. Serve it warm with vanilla ice cream or on the next day where the taste of marzipan is stronger.
Hallonpaj med Mandeltäcke
100 g smör/ butter
3,5 dl/ 1,5 cups mjöl/ flour
0,5 dl/ 0,2 cups socker/ sugar
2 äggulor/ egg yolks
Mix ingredients above and put in the oven 200 degrees/ 400F for 10 minutes. Take out and do the filling.
Fyllning/ Filling:
4-5 dl/ 2 cups hallon/ raspberries
2 dl/ 0,8 cups socker/ sugar (Sofia takes half of this!)
2 msk/ tblsp maizena/ maizena flour
2 tsk/ tsp vaniljsocker/ vanilla sugar
Mix and pour over.
2 äggvitor/ eggwhites (whisk until white)
100g mandelmassa/ marzipan
Put it in the oven again and bake for further 25-30 minutes.
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Faking Spring! |
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Chicken Lovers
Kaikenlaiset kanaruuat ovat olleet kautta aikojen meidän suosikkiruokaa. Vaikka kanaa ei pitäisi syödä liikaa, niin meidän lautasella on kanaa ehkäpä jopa kaksi kertaa viikossa. Aina pehmeetä ja ihanan valkoista, helppoa ja hyvää tuo meidän ystävä Kana. Kanareseptejä minulla on aarrearkussa vaikka millä mitalla, tämä on uusi ja oikein maukas, jonka voi jopa työpäivän jälkeen vaivattomasti helpoista aineksista valmistaa. Kot, Kot!!
All kind of chicken meals have been our absolute favourites throughout the years. Although you shouldn´t eat chicken too often, we usually eat chicken twice a week. Always soft and white, chicken is like a good friend that doesn´t let you down. I have collected many nice chicken recipes during the years and I have them in my sacred recipe box. This is a new one.
Chicken Lover´s Chicken Parma Balsamico
4 chicken breasts, salt and pepper
Parma ham
Fry breasts quickly in a pan. Wrap the breasts in Parma ham.
4 -5 rkl/ tblsp good quality balsamico
3 dl/ 2, 6 cups cream
Chicken fond ( I take Knorr Chicken Bouillon Pur)
Mix ingrediants above and pour over. Put it in the oven 175 degrees/ 350F for 25-30 minutes. Serve with rice or what you prefer.
All kind of chicken meals have been our absolute favourites throughout the years. Although you shouldn´t eat chicken too often, we usually eat chicken twice a week. Always soft and white, chicken is like a good friend that doesn´t let you down. I have collected many nice chicken recipes during the years and I have them in my sacred recipe box. This is a new one.
Chicken Lover´s Chicken Parma Balsamico
4 chicken breasts, salt and pepper
Parma ham
Fry breasts quickly in a pan. Wrap the breasts in Parma ham.
4 -5 rkl/ tblsp good quality balsamico
3 dl/ 2, 6 cups cream
Chicken fond ( I take Knorr Chicken Bouillon Pur)
Mix ingrediants above and pour over. Put it in the oven 175 degrees/ 350F for 25-30 minutes. Serve with rice or what you prefer.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Dr. Murad´s Blue Smoothie
Smoothiet ovat olleet jo monta vuotta in mutta ei ilman syytä. Nämä juotavat ihanuudet ja voimaelixiirit saavat väsyneimmänkin muumion heräämään. Joka päivä yritän valmistaa jonkunlaisen smoothien. Veivaan liian usein sitä samaa tuttua "mitä löytyy tänään hedelmävadista" smoothieta. Tämä tohtori Muradin mustikka-granaattiomena smoothie lupailee vaikka mitä, rypyt silottuvat parissa minuutissa, syöpäsolut häviävät kropasta ja kunto kohenee pelkästä tuoksusta. Raikasta metsäneidon aamujuomaa.
Smoothies of all kind have already been in for several years but not without a reason. These power drinks can even wake up the deepest sleeping mummy. I try to make a smoothie every day, often sticking to the same favourite (read: uncomplicated) smoothie with those "always in the fruit bowl ingredients" like orange, kiwi, banana and goji berries. This smoothie a la Dr. Murad is a different one with superfood like bluberries and pomegranate juice.
Dr. Murad says:
Soya milk
Blueberries (I took frozen)
Pomegranate juice
Goji berries (missing at the picture)
Smoothies of all kind have already been in for several years but not without a reason. These power drinks can even wake up the deepest sleeping mummy. I try to make a smoothie every day, often sticking to the same favourite (read: uncomplicated) smoothie with those "always in the fruit bowl ingredients" like orange, kiwi, banana and goji berries. This smoothie a la Dr. Murad is a different one with superfood like bluberries and pomegranate juice.
Dr. Murad says:
Soya milk
Blueberries (I took frozen)
Pomegranate juice
Goji berries (missing at the picture)
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Metsäneidon aamujuoma. Forest Fairy´s morning drink. |
Monday, March 11, 2013
Kun on kasvanut isoksi ABBA musiikin parissa niin heidän musiikista
tulee osa elämää. Muistan kun pikkutyttönä leikittiin isosiskon kanssa
Abbaa mikrofonit kädessä, kaikki levyt hyllyssä ja jokaikisen laulun
tekstitkin osattiin ulkoa ja sinne selkäytimeen ne tekstit jäivätkin.
Barbinuketkin olivat Frida ja Agnetha. Muistan jopa sen, kun pänttäsin
englantia ylioppilaskirjoituksiin, luin Abban tekstejä ylös ja alas.
Nautiskelin ja vaihdoin taas levyä. Viisaita sanoituksia elämän mutkista
ja riemuista.
Agnetha oli aina suosikkini, tämä ujompi, vaalea neitokainen, välillä surullisine silmineen ja dramaattisine ilmeineen. Ääni kuulas ja kaunis kuin enkelin. Omistautunut lapsilleen ja tavalliselle elämälle. Hän on jopa myöntänyt tottuneensa elämään ilman sitä elämän rakkautta. Kyllä minä Fridastakin tykkäsin, Frida oli lämmin, hauska, vähän frekki ja rohkea.
Nyt 62-vuotiaana Agnetha julkaisee uuden levynsä "A", jonka julkaisupäivä on 13.5. Eilen julkaistiin ensimmäinen single "When you really loved someone". Sellaista Agnetha musiikkia, eikä me muuta halutakaan. Minä kyllä tiedän kenelle hän tuossa uudessa laulussa laulaa, no Björnille tottakai. Kunnon rakkaus ei ikinä kuole.
When you have been growing up listening to Abba´s music since your early childhood this music becomes a part of your life and bringing back memories from different stages in your life. I can remember me and my sister imitating Agnetha and Frida, knowing every song and its lyrics by heart. Even when I had to write an essay in English I prepared myself by reading the clever lyrics from Abba´s songs up and down.
The blond Agnetha was my favourite, this serious, a little bit sad, down to earth, dedicated mother of two kids. I liked her dramatic mimics and those sad eyes, at the same time strong and vulnerable. I liked Frida as well, she was the funny, warm, bold and uncomplicated one, also with a fantastic voice.
Now at the age of 62 Agnetha will release her new album "A" on the 13 of May. Her new single "When you really loved someone" came out yesterday. This is very Agnetha like music and I know to whom she´s singing in that song, to Björn of course. True love never dies.
Agnetha oli aina suosikkini, tämä ujompi, vaalea neitokainen, välillä surullisine silmineen ja dramaattisine ilmeineen. Ääni kuulas ja kaunis kuin enkelin. Omistautunut lapsilleen ja tavalliselle elämälle. Hän on jopa myöntänyt tottuneensa elämään ilman sitä elämän rakkautta. Kyllä minä Fridastakin tykkäsin, Frida oli lämmin, hauska, vähän frekki ja rohkea.
Nyt 62-vuotiaana Agnetha julkaisee uuden levynsä "A", jonka julkaisupäivä on 13.5. Eilen julkaistiin ensimmäinen single "When you really loved someone". Sellaista Agnetha musiikkia, eikä me muuta halutakaan. Minä kyllä tiedän kenelle hän tuossa uudessa laulussa laulaa, no Björnille tottakai. Kunnon rakkaus ei ikinä kuole.
When you have been growing up listening to Abba´s music since your early childhood this music becomes a part of your life and bringing back memories from different stages in your life. I can remember me and my sister imitating Agnetha and Frida, knowing every song and its lyrics by heart. Even when I had to write an essay in English I prepared myself by reading the clever lyrics from Abba´s songs up and down.
The blond Agnetha was my favourite, this serious, a little bit sad, down to earth, dedicated mother of two kids. I liked her dramatic mimics and those sad eyes, at the same time strong and vulnerable. I liked Frida as well, she was the funny, warm, bold and uncomplicated one, also with a fantastic voice.
Now at the age of 62 Agnetha will release her new album "A" on the 13 of May. Her new single "When you really loved someone" came out yesterday. This is very Agnetha like music and I know to whom she´s singing in that song, to Björn of course. True love never dies.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Double Chocolate Darling
Olenkohan tulossa mummoikään kun olen alkanut tykkäämään vähän tylsistä kakuista. Olen jo usein sanonut että en ole Cup Cake tyttö, en Macarons keijukainen enkä missään nimessä hyytelö- ja kermakakku perhonen. Näitä herkkuja ei Sofian pöydässä näy. Olen se ikuinen pulla, omena-, raparperi-, marja- ja suklaakakkutäti. Tässä onkin taas kiva kakku jolla on vatsassa pehmoinen suklaaraita.
Maybe I´m beginning to reach the middle life, because I tend to bake more simple and kind of boring cakes. I have told you before that I´m not a Cup Cake girl, no Macarons fairy and absolutely no fancy cream cake butterfly. I love buns of all kind, apple- and fruit cakes and not to forget a traditional chocolate cake. This chocolate cake looks like a boring coffee cake but surprises everyone with a hidden chocolate stripe inside!
Dubbel choklad sockerkaka
3 ägg/ eggs
3 dl / 1,3 cups socker/ sugar
Mix until white and fluffy.
150g smältsmör/ melted butter
1, 5 dl/ 0,6 cups mjölk/ milk
3 msk/ tblsp strong coffee
Add 2:
4,5 dl /1,9 cups mjöl/ flour
2 tsk/ tsp gammaldags vaniljsocker/ vanilla sugar
1,5 tsk/ tsp bakpulver/ baking powder
6 msk/ 6 tblsp choklad pulver/ real chocolate powder
1 dl / 0,4 cups grädde/ cream
125 g mörk choklad/ good quality chocolate
25 g smör/ butter
Bring the cream to a boil, put it aside, add the chocolate and let it melt. Add the butter. Let it cool and become "thick". Cut the cake and spread the filling over the cake.
Grädda 50 minuter i 175 grader. Bake for 50 minutes in 347F.
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Cold milk to go and the afternoon or evening is complete. |
Sleep tight Friends!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Chicken loves Tagliatelle
Maaliskuu tuo mukanaan uuden silmiä häikäisevän valon, aurinko paistaa kirkkaana ja lämmittää melkein pelottavan kuumasti. Ulkona tuoksuu lämmin kostea multa, luonto herää hitaasti. Nyt herätetään uniset karhut talviunesta ja kokataan jotakin uutta, kukat pöytään ja lasiin viiniä, talven pölyt ja ankeus heitetään olan yli, ole´!
In March the light is bright and the warmth of the sun hotter than we can remember. It smells like spring, like warm humid soil. Let us cook something new, let the roses and wine glasses decorate the table. Throw the winter over your shoulder, say goodbye to the sleepy winter bear in you. The winds of spring are fresh and gentle.
Spring Chicken and Creamy Tagliatelle
4-5 chicken breasts
4 cloves garlic
4 tblsp/ rkl balsamico
2 tblsp/ rkl olive oil
2 tblsp/ rkl soya sauce
Marinate for at least 2 hours.
100 g frozen spinach
1, 5 dl /0,7 cup cream
5 tblsp/ rkl red pesto
50-100 g grated parmesan
salt and pepper
500 g tagliatelle or your favourite pasta
Fry breasts on both sides and put them in the oven as long as you prepare the sauce. Mix tagliatelle and the hot sauce and cut the breast in pieces and serve on a bed of tagliatelle.
Tip: Take green pesto instead of red!
It´s spring time in the kitchen!
In March the light is bright and the warmth of the sun hotter than we can remember. It smells like spring, like warm humid soil. Let us cook something new, let the roses and wine glasses decorate the table. Throw the winter over your shoulder, say goodbye to the sleepy winter bear in you. The winds of spring are fresh and gentle.
Spring Chicken and Creamy Tagliatelle
4-5 chicken breasts
4 cloves garlic
4 tblsp/ rkl balsamico
2 tblsp/ rkl olive oil
2 tblsp/ rkl soya sauce
Marinate for at least 2 hours.
100 g frozen spinach
1, 5 dl /0,7 cup cream
5 tblsp/ rkl red pesto
50-100 g grated parmesan
salt and pepper
500 g tagliatelle or your favourite pasta
Fry breasts on both sides and put them in the oven as long as you prepare the sauce. Mix tagliatelle and the hot sauce and cut the breast in pieces and serve on a bed of tagliatelle.
Tip: Take green pesto instead of red!
It´s spring time in the kitchen!
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